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4 Reasons Why You Should Consider Social Media Optimization for Your Business

Category: Business | Date: November 17, 2011

Small business owners are struggling with their marketing strategies. They blame small budgets and lack of time and know-how for their marketing failures. Failing to market your business will reduce your earning potential but the good news is that the internet has made it possible to market your business to a large audience without spending a dime.

SMO or Social Media Optimization has been providing a way for businesses to reap multiple benefits of social media. The extent of the results will vary from one business to the next since factors like the type of business and the amount of effort that is put into it will determine the results. Below are five ways SMO will benefit your business.

Improved Rates of Conversion

The first question out of business owners’ mouths when they give some thought to social media is whether they will reap a ROI (return on investment). Understandably they do not want to invest in something that will not in any way add to their bottom line. This is especially a consideration for small businesses since every dime spent is a major sacrifice on their part.

When social media marketing and optimization is done the right way the business will see an improvement in their rates of conversion. The rate of conversion is even a lot higher than other forms of marketing on the web.

Find New Customers

Keeping your social media marketing efforts consistent and actively engaging with your audience will provide the foundation for the acquisition of new customers that you would have not reached otherwise. Social media provides the platform for you to connect with new prospects every single day and if you provide value they will remember you and think of you when they need to purchase a product or service that you offer.

Make Repeat Buyers of Your Old Customers

Stay in touch with your previous customers through social media optimization. You customers are the treasures of your business. Without them you might as well close your doors. This is why it is important to keep your brand at the forefront of their minds. Ask them about ways to improve your offerings, tell them when you are having promotions and ask them to review your products and they will be more than happy to do so since social media provide the platform to make this easy.

Save Money On Marketing

Social media optimization will decrease your marketing budget to almost zero but remember that it will require a huge investment of time. You have to make a commitment to it if you want to succeed because your efforts must be consistent.

If you do not have the time to do it personally it can be outsourced or assigned to an in-house employee who can commit a couple hours every day to these activities.

If you are seriously giving consideration to social media then you need to give in and take the leap. Outline your objectives, define your audience, have a plan and see how well social media will work to take your business where you want it to go.